Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hey Reader, Who's got a great countdown clock widget cause ya girl has just FOUR WEEKS LEFT til maternity leave!! I can't wait.... to delete work Slack and email from my phone. When I went out in 2021 for maternity leave, I told my team to "pretend I'm dead," and I meant it. I may be called the Queen of Boundaries for a reason. This time around, I'm taking a slightly different approach that will still protect my time to recover and bond...
about 1 year ago • 4 min read
Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hey Reader, We spent this weekend with family...and holy sh*t it's nice to have extra sets of eyes on the wild one. It takes a village, and I'm not even just talking about when your kid arrives (though that is so freakin true). You need that village to get you out the door of your office and off on your parental leave. Policies deciphered. Correct forms submitted. Leave approved. Timeline agreed upon. Much like chasing after a 2-year old....
about 1 year ago • 4 min read
Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hey Reader, My parents used to say growing up that kids ruin everything but Christmas... and I kind of get it now. Maybe "ruin" is too strong a word for it. You just need to adjust your expectations to deal with a new reality. Things are not going to go to plan. Someone's going to throw up on the way to Grandma's house. Your car-obsessed toddler will probably enjoy the snacks at the Car Show more than the cars themselves. Going sledding...
about 1 year ago • 4 min read
Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hey Reader, This special Thursday edition brought to you by a three-day weekend followed by school closures, delays, and me absolutely losing my mind looking at more snow in the forecast for this weekend. I used to love snow days and long weekends! No more. End rant. For now. Today continues our exploration of all things parental leave and career transition as I've moved into my third trimester and lost sight of my feet. We are...
about 1 year ago • 3 min read
Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hey Reader, I'm happy to report that we got our 2-year-old to take a nap in his big boy bed this weekend. The first daytime nap at home since before Christmas. Can I get a hallelujah! Today's topic is especially dear to me: announcing your pregnancy at work. This isn't just about crafting the perfect, baby-emoji-laden email. Though that part can be fun, too. Let's dig in. when and how to break the baby news at work There are so many...
about 1 year ago • 4 min read
Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hey Reader, Whether you're bouncing excitedly or limping a bit gingerly into January... Happy New Year! 🥳 This was literally the least restful holiday "break" we've ever experienced. 2 trips to the ER pneumonia (me) a dropped nap transition from crib to toddler bed Gone are the days of bingeing Netflix for five days straight. Allow me to share that I'm a teeny bit glad school starts back up today, and that I can get back to work. P.S. I...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read
Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hi Reader, For me, 2023 was all about boundaries. Establishing them. Communicating them. Reinforcing them. Putting systems in place to maintain them. Boundaries. Boundaries, everywhere. Before we dive into three types of radical boundaries that are crucial to self-care, I just want to set the record straight on what boundaries are and what they are not. myth-busting boundaries A common myth about boundaries is that they are inherently...
about 1 year ago • 3 min read
Make Work Suck Less New this week from the home office Hi Reader, Tis the season for reflection and I've been thinking A LOT about the past year or so. So much as happened. Not the least of which was me being 'unhinged on main.' I started writing the #makeworksuckless newsletter in September 2022, but it really began a long time ago. Let's call it 2009. It started with a feeling. Of being undervalued and undermined. Burned out beyond self-recognition and self-worth. That feeling transformed...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
Hey Reader! Earlier this week I officially launched the 📓 You Got This journal... and your response has been amazing! One of the coolest things I've experienced, maybe ever, is receiving your photos holding my journal. I mean, I'm equally impressed by the printing and shipping speed as I am tickled by seeing a wild idea manifest IRL. Please keep the pictures coming! it's aliiiiiive!!! make work suck less Over the last year of thinking about burnout, boundaries, and balance - I've come to a...
over 1 year ago • 1 min read