
"Sometimes work sucks. But it doesn't have to."

- Cassandra Babilya


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7 Ways to Save 20 Hours per Week

Do you feel like you spend your days reacting to other people's needs? Wish you could gain some control over your workday?

We spend an average of 18 hours each week in meetings. How many of those could have been an email...or a Slack message?

A few years ago, I noticed that my calendar was out of control. There was literally no white space available for me to do work. I was in back-to-back meetings all day, every day.

When it comes to your calendar, you own it.

This guide will help you:

  • Stop missing family time
  • Invest in personal development
  • Protect your PTO and vacation days
  • Focus on your goals
  • Optimize your work for when you have energy for it
  • Improve work-life balance and fight burnout

Time management is all about setting and enforcing healthy boundaries!

Steal the exact 7 strategies I used to reclaim 20 hours each week to priortize the things that are actually important in your life.

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